Werden bestimmte Projekteinstellungen (wie z.B. Normblatt) geändert, kommt die Änderung zwar in der Oberfläche an, aber EPLAN “weiß davon noch nichts”.
Als Workaround einfach diesen Code nach dem Setzen der Einstellungen ausführen:
new EventManager().Send("PageManagement.ProjectSettings.Changed", new EventParameterString());
Hi Johann,
Seems very interesting but difficult to understand.
How are you able to determine the these parameters?
string strEventName, IEventParameter pEventParameter
Where did you get “PageManagement.ProjectSettings.Changed” and what means new EventParameterString()?
The API help is very limited in examples and not very clear on how you manage those.
Any help/ideas where we can improve our knowledge on this topic?
I found this code in the cad.de board.
There is no documentation about it, unfurtunately…
Hi Johann,
That is sad!
Any example you could give where to use it?
I described it to use when you change the plotframe