Sander Zuur hatte auf Discord einige Fragen wie man denn PDFs pro Strukturkennzeichen exportieren kann. Freundlicherweise hat er das Script für alle bereitgestellt.
Vielen Dank 🍪


  • sProjectName: The project being processed, If empty it’s expected that its in user GUI mode, at which point it will take the currently selected project and additionally ask for a filter for the structure.
  • sOptionFull: if true/1 then a full PDF of the project is exported
  • sOptionByMountingLocation: if true/1 then a PDF per cabinet of the project, including all pages in an other structure which contain an object of that cabinet is exported.
  • sOptionBySystem: Optional, if true/1 then a PDF per system of the project, including all pages in an other structure which contain an object of that system is exported.
  • sOptionOnlyLastNodes: if true/1 then only the lowest level of a structure node is exported.
  • sDocumentFilterSet: select a datafilter set possible values: ‘ASBUILT’.

Download: PdfsByLocation