Ich hatte mal schon geschrieben wie man die Projekt-Sprachen rausfindet

Hier noch ein Script wie man die variable Sprache herausfindet.
Einfach das Script laden und in einem anderen Script das Usage ausführen.


using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework;
using Eplan.EplApi.Base;
using Eplan.EplApi.Scripting;

class GetProjectVariableLanguage
	/* Usage
	private static string GetProjectVariableLanguage()
		string value = null;
		ActionCallingContext actionCallingContext = new ActionCallingContext();
		new CommandLineInterpreter().Execute("GetProjectVariableLanguage", actionCallingContext);
		actionCallingContext.GetParameter("value", ref value);
		return value;

	private readonly string TempPath = Path.Combine(
		PathMap.SubstitutePath("$(TMP)"), "GetProjectLanguages.xml");

	public void Action(out string value)
		ActionCallingContext actionCallingContext = new ActionCallingContext();
		actionCallingContext.AddParameter("prj", FullProjectPath());
		actionCallingContext.AddParameter("node", "TRANSLATEGUI");
		actionCallingContext.AddParameter("XMLFile", TempPath);
		new CommandLineInterpreter().Execute("XSettingsExport", actionCallingContext);

		if (File.Exists(TempPath))
			string languagesString = GetValueSettingsXml(TempPath,

			if (languagesString != null)
				value = languagesString;

		value = null;

	// Returns the EPLAN Project Path
	private static string FullProjectPath()
		ActionCallingContext acc = new ActionCallingContext();
		acc.AddParameter("TYPE", "PROJECT");

		string projectPath = string.Empty;
		new CommandLineInterpreter().Execute("selectionset", acc);
		acc.GetParameter("PROJECT", ref projectPath);

		return projectPath;

	// Read EPLAN XML-ProjectInfo and returns the value
	private static string GetValueSettingsXml(string filename, string url)
		XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

		XmlNodeList rankListSchemaName = xmlDocument.SelectNodes(url);
		if (rankListSchemaName != null && rankListSchemaName.Count > 0)
			// Get Text from MultiLanguage or not :)
			string value = rankListSchemaName[0].InnerText;
			return value;
			return null;