Ich hatte ja hier mal einen Eventlogger geschrieben. Diesen habe ich jetzt erweitert. Es werden folgende Eigenschaften gespeichert:
- Uhrzeit
- Eventname
- Eventparameter (falls vorhanden)
Es ist auch eine Blacklist vorhanden, da diese Events immer gefeuert werden bzw. wenn EPLAN im Idle-Modus ist.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework; using Eplan.EplApi.Scripting; using EventHandler = Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework.EventHandler; public class EventLogger { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(); [DeclareRegister] public void Register() { eventHandler.SetEvent("*"); EventHandlerNameFunction eventHandlerNameFunction = Event; eventHandler.EplanNameEvent += eventHandlerNameFunction; } [DeclareUnregister] public void UnRegister() { eventHandler.Dispose(); } private void Event(IEventParameter eventParameter, string eventName) { // Check Blacklist List<string> blackList = new List<string> { "onIdle.Bool.App", "onLastIdle.Bool.App", "onTimer.UInt.App" }; if (blackList.Contains(eventName)) { return; } // Get Parameter string parameter; try { EventParameterString eventParameterString = new EventParameterString(eventParameter); parameter = eventParameterString.String; } catch { parameter = string.Empty; } // Write log FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(@"C:\Test\Events.txt"); using (StreamWriter streamWriter = fileInfo.AppendText()) { string line = string.Format("{1}{0}{2}{0}{3}", "\t", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"), eventName, parameter); streamWriter.WriteLine(line); } } }
You’re doing a good job with EPLAN. I started to write simple programs myself, but I came across a problem. Maybe you will be able to help me. I want read (for example) “Zusatzfeld [1] <11901 1>” from selected page and save value to TXT file. Saving to TXT is easy but how to declare the variable responsible for “Zusatzfeld [1] <11901 1>”. Thanks for any replay.
Create a label scheme and replace the value of the property in the xml file. Then import the scheme and execute label. Here is an example for project properties.
Hello, once again. I have one more question. Is there a possibility to read (using API of course) value from text field in specific coordinates (X, Y) ? Maybe using “PointD” (we can create using PoinD but do we can get value in this same way) ? I will be grateful for your response. Peace.
You can use the API to check the location of a placement. If its the location you search for, you have your text.
Hello. I’m sorry to bother you, but from i can see you are the best in API Eplan. Firstly i want to say ‘thank you’ for your support. Maybe also this time you be able to help me.
SelectionSet set = new SelectionSet();
Project oProj = set.GetCurrentProject(true);
int oDim = oProj.Pages.Length;
string[] oArray = new string[oDim];
oArray = oProj.Pages; // Project’s property which return array of Pages placed in project.
I cant assign oProj.Pages to my array, i making something wrong for sure. But i cant figure out what. This is my first steps in C#. Some tip would be great. Thank again. Take care.
Your array is of type String… So you could not assign a array of type Page to it.
you said that i need check location to find if there is text, and i make something like this:
…but it comes out that i can’t find “text object”. Do you have some tips for me ? Thanks.
oh i forgot about one line, should be included
Please write me an Email, this is not topic of EventLogger